This hit me like a ton of bricks…

Just heard an interview of  Harrison Klein (one of the bonus
resources from using Ryan Higgins’ Mind Movie program)…and wanted to share
a very powerful, transformative idea he gave:

To change something in your life, don’t start with the effect–

e.g., working harder.

Instead start with the cause.

First create a new version of you…a new identity, and a new
“I am” statement about yourself…(you fill in the “blank” after
“I am…”)  and then act from that place…

A brief but profound idea you can “chew on” and start applying
right away…

More to follow…

To your prosperous well-being and health,

Dr. Ben

P.S.  Be sure to get your own 7-day Road Map To Health and additional insights at

Author: Dr. Ben

I'm a doc who was gone in the office, then found a way to be home with my wife and now 7 kids, while making a difference in people's lives around the globe. I love good books, adventures with my family, dark chocolate with coconut, & empowering moms & dads to create a business and ultimately, a life they love. Learn more at I look forward to connecting with you!

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